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Alan Loze

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Apart from historic photographs, unless otherwise stated, all photos on this site were taken by  members of my family. 

Please don't republish them without my permission.  Thanks.

© 2008 Mark Collins


My parents : Roger & Ann Collins

Dad with bees in 1979 - MTCMy parents are Roger Clive Collins and Ann Roberta Butler.  

Sadly my dad passed away in October 1991 after a courageous battle against cancer. Always interested in new ideas and keen to visit other cultures, mum and dad travelled widely during the 1980s, including China and Russia in the days when this was most unusual!

I can remember a camping trip to Portugal in 1967 which was so unusual at the time that I was invited to give a slide show at my primary school during theMark & Ann Collins, Center Parks, May 1998 following autumn term.  In these days of package holidays, we sometimes forget what an adventure even European travel was to an average family just 30 years ago!

Here is Dad tending the beehives in the Summer of 1979.

Mum lives in the small village of Ashurst, Kent, just 30 minutes away from us by car, and is still keen traveller! This sometimes presents difficulties when trying to balance with her other main interest, her garden.  She has a lovely garden, which has been opened to the public as part of a local money raising venture.  Since Alan and I also love our garden, this is a shared interest which has given hours of pleasure and many a trip to garden centre or famous garden.

This picture of yours truly and mum on bicycles was taken on a long weekend break in May 1998 at Center Parks.  The children loved this place, but it was too 'holiday camp' for me!

Mum's maiden name is Butler, and you can find out more about her family here.