Apart from historic photographs, unless otherwise stated, all photos on this site were taken by members of my family. Please don't republish them without my permission. Thanks. © 2008 Mark Collins 10-06-2010 | | Here are some of my interests - Jack of all trades and master of none!
Here are some of my other interests Gardening ~ Summer is for gardening Alan is a skilled designer and plants man, I am enthusiastic and, like Alan, am good at the practical work. We both savour the finished results. Look at this section to see some of the gardens we've worked on. Photography ~ Previously a dedicated 35mm fan, I am now almost completely digitized, the well used Pentax SLR doesn't often see the air these days. Computer~ I've been mucking about with computers for the last 20 years, here are some of the more fun things I've done! Bikes ~ I ride a Kawasaki ZZR600 Collecting ~ Yes I am a kleptomaniac. This page lists various current and historical collections Railways ~ I am passionate enthusiast for Railways, anything that steams is a real bonus! Music ~ a bit about my musical interests and some of the midi files I've created over the years!