1 : ; Secondary evidence
1851 census for Ware has age 32, head, birthplace Hartfield
2 : ; Secondary evidence
1851 census has occupation farmer 170 acres, 7 employees
3 : ; Secondary evidence
1851 census for Ware has age 31, wife, birthplace East Grinstead
4 : ; Secondary evidence
1851 census for Ware has age 8, daughter, birthplace Buxted
5 : "Buxted Baptisms 1817-1881 (IGI/LDS)"; Secondary evidence
6 : "Buxted Baptisms 1817-1881 (IGI/LDS)"; Secondary evidence
7 : ; Secondary evidence
1851 census for Ware has age 1 month, daughter, birthplace Buxted (un-named infant)
Please get in touch if you can add to the information here or you are a relative!