
1st May 2004 - Red Rhododendron

2nd May 2004 - Akebia

2nd May 2004 - Tree Peony

4th May 2003 - View through the pergola

7th May 2004 - White tree Peony

7th May 2004 - Peach coloured Azalea

7th May 2004 - White Azalea

12th May 2002 - Woodland Path

12 May 2002 - The Round Lawn

12th May 2003 - Our long borders

19th May 2004 - Eremerus

19th May 2004 -Iris Sibirica

31st May 2004 -Silver bearded Iris

31st May 2004 -Blue bearded iris

31st May 2004 - Foxglove