Apart from historic photographs, unless otherwise stated, all photos on this site were taken by members of my family. Please don't republish them without my permission. Thanks. © 2008 Mark Collins 10-06-2010 | Welcome to the Roughwood web site That's me on the left. Alan, my partner, is on the right. I include the quotation above as a warning to myself; I spend far too much time working on this web site!
Clicking on the Roughwood banner on any of my pages will always bring you back here. One of the main aims of this site is to enable me to share the results of my genealogy and family history research with a wider The number of albums has grown over the years, and as well as my original 'Photo album', there are now several others. The 'Ancestor album' contains vintage family pictures, the (large!) 'Church album' contains photos I've taken of English churches, the 'Postcard album', contains a small selection of my large antique postcard collection and in June 2003 I added the 'Garden Album', showing some of the plants and I am particularly pleased with the section about the Lynton & Barnstaple Railway. I dragged Alan and his mum along the old route in 2003 and I revisited selected locations again in August 2004 - here are the resulting photographs. I hope you find something of interest - I am always pleased to receive emails from people with similar interests. Also let me know which parts of my site you enjoy and which you find boring! To those wonderful people who take the trouble to contact me in - many, many thanks. Your thoughts and contributions are always most welcome. Also please let me know if any of the links stop working - I do try my best to check them from time to time but I'm sure some will be missed. This site is designed for Internet Explorer Version 4 and above - although it should work alright with Netscape and Firefox. I run my screen at 1280x1024 - I apologise if things display strangely on lower resolutions. Let me know if you have problems and I will attempt to put things right. I hope you enjoy the site! "A man should be moderately wise, never too wise. He who does not know his fate in advance is freest of care." Mark Collins